Day 3: Shaki waterfalls , Tatev monastery, Carahunge,Wine factory tour
Day 3: Shaki waterfalls , Tatev monastery, Carahunge, Wine factory tour
We again packed our breakfast and left for the tour. The tour
bus was fully packed.
The first stop was at a restaurant for coffee break after travelling more than 2
hours. We had our packed breakfast here.The hotel had packed us roasted veggies
– eggplant, tomato, mushroom, zucchini and bread, fruits.
After this we travelled further to see the Shaki waterfalls
at Shaki Tourist Centre. It was a small walk form the parking place to see the
We then visited a site Carahunge.
It is also often referred to as the "Armenian Stonehenge”. The name Carahunge is interpreted as
deriving from two Armenian words: car meaning
stone, and hunge meaning sound. Thus the name Carahunge
means Speaking Stones. This interpretation is related to the fact that the stones make whistling sounds on a windy day, presumably because of multiple reach-through holes bored under different angles into the stones in prehistoric times. They identified the site as a necropolis. This is an archaeological site where still further excavations are still going on. Here it is called the city of dead people. The people are buried here and the mausoleum-- is surrounded by stones. It was believed these stones will prevent the dead people to come in contact with the living world. When lightning falls on this site it breaks. It is believed this was some astronomical site.
This area has so many such stone boundaries. Also few stones have holes in
them, it is believed that they used to observe the sky through these holes.
Also they have excavated a site where a 14 year old girl was sacrificed.
We then had Lunch at a restaurant. Vegetarians were served a
vegetable curry, which we had with bread.
Later we went and took the cable tram to go to Tatev Monastery.
This cable tram is the longest in the world and also it is featured in the Guinness
book of world records.
We then visited the Tatev monastery complex.

On visiting the complex, in the entrance you can see an
underground clay pipe that was used to bring water to the complex.
There is a university that is under reconstruction.There are 3 churches: Mother Mary, Gregory Tatev, and Gregory Illuminator
There is a library, kitchen with the traditional oven tonish
to make lavash bread. Also there is a place to tie horses. The dining hall
where the monks ate had a small underground tunnel that connects to a far off place
that is shown while travelling in the cable tram. There were 5 tunnels out of
which only 1 tunnel is functioning.
There are also many Khachkar that can be seen. There is a
long pillar that is supposed to oscillate. It is believed that the students
used to wish here before their exams at the university, if the pillar moves in
their favour, they will do their exams well. Another belief is this used to
swing in the direction in which the enemies came and hence giving a clue. The
third belief is it was a Pagan temple before as all these temples had such
Later we drove back to Yerevan. On the way back we had a
wine tasting tour at Hin Areni Wine factory.
They explained how wine is made and showed us their equipments. We were also
given white wine, red wine, rose wine to taste.
We also bought honey from the road side shops outside the
We reached Yerevan around 11 pm.Then we took taxi to reach
Aghababyan’s hotel. We had dinner with all the stuffs that was available in
room .We had bought some fruits and also we brought few Packed readymade meals from
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