Garlic okra chilli fry

I have adapted this recipe from  .

I have made my personal touches to match our taste buds.

Okra/vendakkai/ladies finger is my favourite vegetable .This is a crispy side and can be served as a starter too.


This serves 3 persons.

Okra: ½ kg.

Salt as required

Chilli powder: ½ tsp.

Sweet chilli sauce: 1 tbsp.

Garlic: 4 cloves finely chopped

Oil: for deep frying and 1 tsp

Maida/Plain flour: 1/4 cup

Water: 2 tsp

Corn flour: 1/4 cup


Wash and slice okra diagonally.

Add salt, Maida, corn flour, mix till okra is dry and not moist.

Deep fry the okra in batches till cooked and crisp.

We are not deep-frying till golden brown.

Then in another pan, heat 1 tsp oil, add garlic and fry till golden brown.

Make slurry of 1 tsp water, ½ tsp chilli powder and add this to the pan.

Add sweet chilli sauce.

Immediately before the sauce and slurry dries out, mix and add the fried okra pieces and mix well till okra is coated with slurry and sauces.

Tip: If Sweet chilli sauce is not available, add 1 tsp honey instead.

Serve with fried rice, pulao, vegetable pulao.
